The Scapes return, stages four and five

in process painting of veggie still life

Scapes painting stage 4.  Click on image to view larger.


As you can see, if you compare with the last post, I’ve added some darks into the kale and made it so much more lively!  The darks I used were a mix of thalo green blue shade and quinacridone magenta.  This is a great dark combination that’s also transparent, and I plan on using it in the background along with charging into it some other colors used in the existing veggies to give it color harmony.





in process painting of veggie still life

Scapes painting stage 5, with a dramatic background! Click on image to view larger



And you can see it here, I’ve taken the plunge and started on the background.  I think I’m going to be happy with it and you can see that the background is really broken up into sections which is nice.  I can work on parts and soften the edge where they would join up so that there isn’t a hard line where they meet.  you can see I did that to the left of the pepper stem.

I plan on using this background with other colors mingled in with it to cover all the area where the scapes are, and I think the dark colors will make the sinewy snakelike scapes “pop”

What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by, and as always, I enjoy reading your comments, critiques, suggestions, thoughts…

5 thoughts on “The Scapes return, stages four and five

  1. You’ve put down shadows for the scapes, but the shadow colors would depend on what the surface was underneath them. So for the background, it looks like you’ve already committed to it and now need to proceed by your plan. It will be fun to see how you shape that up. Good going!


  2. Pingback: Farmer’s Market Scapes | Rachel Murphree Watercolors

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